Willow, Goat, Great Sallow
LATIN: Salix caprea L.

Willow, Goat, Great Sallow
Family : Salicaceae
Flowering Cévennes: 2 - 4 . Light: sunny. . Moisture: average
Sample Cévenol GPS : 44°25.49' N 3°47.31' E
Status: Endemic; not under threat in this region
Habitat: (view in new page) :Secondary : Springs, streams and seepage on limestone, Springs and streams on silica, Water-edge forests, Silica rockfalls and chaos, Forest clearings.

Saule marsault
Famille : Salicaceae
Floraison Cévennes : 2 - 4 . Lumière: ensoleillé. . . Humidité: moyen
Exemple Cévenol GPS : 44°25.49' N 3°47.31' E
Statut : Endemique ; pas menacé dans ce région
Habitat : (s'ouvrir nouvelle page) :Secondaire : Sources,ruisselets et suintements sur calcaire, Sources et ruisselets sur silice, Forêts de bord des eaux (ripisylves), Eboulis et chaos siliceux, Coupes et clairières forestières.
Saule marsault
Salix caprea
Willow, Goat, Great Sallow

(modifié de Coste, Flore de la France 1937) :

Arbrisseau ou arbuste de 3-10 mètres, rameaux étalés-dressés, arrondis, les jeunes et les bourgeons bientôt glabres ; bois nu très lisse;
Écologie : (répartition d'après la flore) Lieux frais ou humides, dans presque toute la France; nul dans la plaine méditerranéenne.
Répartition hors de France : Europe surtout centrale ; Asie centrale et boréale.

Willow, Goat, Great Sallow plant

(modified from Butcher, British Flora 1961):
NOTE: the French text is more complete and up-to-date

A small tree 3-10 m. high, Twigs at first pubescent, later glabrous, reddish or dark brown, without raised striæ on the young wood beneath the epidermis.
Ecology UK: (distribution according to flora) common and widespread throughout the British Isles.
Distribution outside France: ?

Carte (c.2023) grâce à Tela Botanica

Information & Carte (c.2023) France/International grâce à INPN

Fleurs : chatons précoces, gros, oblongs ou cylindriques, denses, subsessiles, à écailles velues, noirâtres au sommet; style court;
Floraison France : Mars-avril.

Willow, Goat, Great Sallow flower

Flowers: Catkins appearing before the leaves, 20-45 mm long, at first erect, later spreading, subsessile; male ovoid; female broadly cylindrical; scales narrowly ovate, subacute, with long, silky hairs, brownish below the black upper portion. Stamens 2, filaments glabrous or slightly hairy, nectary cylindrical, short. Ovary hairy, ovoid-conical, pedicel slender, much longer than the nectary; stigma small, undivided, style usually shorter than the stigmas;
Flowering UK: late March-late April.

Feuilles : grandes, pétiolées, ovales [L/l < 2, donc plus larges que S. cinerea], à pointe recourbée, un peu ondulées, vertes et luisantes en dessus, mollement blanches-tomenteuses en dessous ; [stipules demi-cordate, acuminate, souvent dentate]

Willow, Goat, Great Sallow leaf

Leaves: large, broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, often with an acute, twisted tip and a rounded, cordate or cuneate base, margin undulate, crenate or entire, blade netted but hardly rugose, ± glabrescent and green above, softly pubescent beneath; stipules half-cordate, acuminate, often dentate.

Fruit : capsule tomenteuse, à pédicelle 3-4 fois plus long que la glande.

Willow, Goat, Great Sallow fruit

Fruit: seed 1.0 x 0.4 mm, cylindrical, with fine vertical ridges, grey.